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Updated: Jan 15, 2021

FULL MOON FILMOGRAPHY The following is the complete filmography of Full Moon and Charles Band. All films listed below with poster art are features that Full Moon has distribution rights to.

2. Crash! 1977

3. Cinderella 1977

5. Auditions 1978

6. Fairy Tales 1978

7. Laserblast 1978

8. Tourist Trap 1979

11. Famous T and A 1982

12 Parasite 1982

13. Filmgore 1983

14 Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn 1983 15 Swordkill 1983 16 The Dungeon Master 1984 17 The Alchemist 1984 18 Ghoulies 1985

20. Trancers 1985

21 Transmutations 1985

22. White Slave 1985

23. Zone Troopers 1985

24. Breeders 1985

25. Crawlspace 1985

26. Dreamaniac 1986

27 Eliminators 1986 28 From Beyond 1986 29 Ghost Warrior 1986 30 Re-Animator 1986 31 Robot Holocaust 1986 32 TerrorVision 1986 33 Troll 1986

34. Zombiethon 1986

35 Buy and Cell 1987

36. Creepozoids 1987

37 Dolls 1987 38 Enemy Territory 1987 39 Galactic Gigolo 1987

40. Mutant Hunt 1987

41. Necropolis 1987

42 Psychos In Love 1987

44 The Caller 1987 45 The Princess Academy 1987 46 Valet Girls 1987

48 Catacombs 1988 49 Cellar Dweller 1988 50 Ghost Town 1988 51 Ghoulies II 1988 52 Prison 1988

53a. Pulse Pounders: The Evil Clergyman 1988

53b. Pulse Pounders: Trancers: City of Lost Angels 1988

55 Transformations 1988 56 Vicious Lips 1988 57 Arena 1989

59. Cemetery High 1989

60 Deadly Weapon 1989

61. Dr. Alien 1989

62. Intruder 1989

63. Puppetmaster 1989

64. The Occultist 1989

65. Crash and Burn 1990

66. Meridian 1990

67. Robot Jox 1990

68. Shadowzone 1990

69. Dollman 1991

72. Subspecies 1991

74 Trancers II 1991

76. Bad Channels 1992

77. Demonic Toys 1992

78. Netherworld 1992

79. Seedpeople 1992

80. Spellcaster 1992

81. Trancers III 1992

82. Puppet Master 4 1993

83. Arcade 1993

87 Primevals 1993

88. Mandroid 1993

89. Prehysteria! 1993

90. Remote 1993

91. Robot Wars 1993

93. Lurking Fear 1994

94. Oblivion 1994

95. Beanstalk 1994

98. Dragonworld 1994 99. Prehysteria! 2 1994

101. Shrunken Heads 1994

102 Test Tube Teens from the Year 2000 aka "Virgin Hunters" 1994

105. Castle Freak 1995

107 Josh Kirby... Time Warrior: Chapter 1, Planet of the Dino-Knights 1995 108 Josh Kirby... Time Warrior: Chapter 2, the Human Pets 1995 109 Leapin' Leprechauns 1995

110. Magic Island 1995

111 Pet Shop 1995 112 Prehysteria! 3 1995 113 Josh Kirby... Time Warrior: Chapter 3, Trapped on Toyworld 1996 114 Josh Kirby... Time Warrior: Chapter 6, Last Battle for the Universe 1996 115 Demon in the Bottle 1996

116. Femalien 1996

117. Forbidden Zone 1996

119 Josh Kirby... Time Warrior: Chapter 4, Eggs from 70 Million B.C. 1996 120 Josh Kirby... Time Warrior: Chapter 5, Journey to the Magic Cavern 1996

121 Magic in the Mirror 1996

123. Petticoat Planet 1996

124 Spellbreaker: Secret of the Leprechauns 1996

127 Bimbo Movie Bash 1997

128. Hideous! 1997

129 Johnny Mysto: Boy Wizard 1997

130. Lurid Tales 1997

132. The Creeps 1997

133 The Exotic House of Wax 1997

135. Vampire Journals 1997

138 Clockmaker aka "Timekeeper" 1998

140 Femalien II 1998

143. Lolida 2000 1998

144. Shrieker 1998

146. Talisman 1998

147 Teen Sorcery 1998

150 The Shrunken City aka "Shandar: The Shrunken City" 1998

152 Virtual Encounters 2 1998

155 Andromina: The Pleasure Planet 1999

157. Blood Dolls 1999

158. Dungeon of Desire 1999

159. Hidden Beauties 1999

160 Hotel Exotica 1999

161. Lip Service 1999

162. Morgana 1999

163. Murdercycle 1999

164 Mysterious Museum 1999

166. Planet Patrol 1999

167 Pleasurecraft 1999

168. Ragdoll 1999

169 Shandra: The Jungle Girl 1999 170 Shapeshifter aka “Shifter” 1999

171. Teen Knight aka “Medieval Park” 1999

172 Teenage Space Vampires aka "Darkness" 1999

173 The Boy with the X-Ray Eyes 1999 174 The Excalibur Kid 1999

175. The Killer Eye 1999

176 Timegate: Tales of the Saddle Tramps 1999

177. Totem 1999

178 Veronica 2030 1999

179. Witchouse 1999

180. Diary of Lust 2000

181. Casting Couch 2000

182. Killjoy 2000

183. 2000

184 Passion's Obsession 2000

186. Sideshow 2000

187 Task Force 2001 2000

191 The Mistress Club 2000

192. The Vault 2000

194 Voodoo Academy 2000 195 Witchouse II: Blood Coven 2000

197. Demonicus 2001

198. Horrorvision 2001

199. Love Exchange 2001

200 Passion Lane 2001

201 Phantom Love 2001

203 Stitches 2001 204 The Regina Pierce Affair 2001 205 Vengeance of the Dead 2001

206 Witchouse 3: Demon Fire 2001 207 Bleed 2002 208 Castle Eros 2002

209. Cryptz 2002

210. Cut Throat 2002

211 Dead and Rotting 2002 212 Deathbed 2002

214 Groom Lake 2002

215. Hell Asylum 2002

217. Trancers 6 2002

218 Birth Rite 2003 219 Deadly Stingers aka “Mega Scorpions” 2003 220 Delta Delta Die! 2003

222. Cinemaker 2004

225. Tomb of Terror 2004

227. Decadent Evil 2005

228. Doll Graveyard 2005

229. Horrific 2005

230. I, Vampire 2005

231. Possessed 2005

233. Urban Evil 2005

234. Aliens Gone Wild 2006

235. Evil Bong I 2006

236. Petrified 2006

238. Erotic Secrets 2007

239. Decadent Evil 2 2007

244. Skull Heads 2009

246. Killjoy 3 2010

251 Devil Dolls 2011

253. Madame Hollywood 2002

258. Reel Evil 2012

260. Ooga Booga 2013

261. The Dead Reborn 2013

262. Blood of 1000 Virgins 2013

264. Unlucky Charms 2013

268. Trophy Heads 2014

269. Evil Bong 420 2015

274 Virgin Hunters 2 2016

275. Fists of Fury 2017

276. Virgin Hunters 3 2017

278. Evil Bong 666 2017

280. Femaliens 2017

283. Erotiquest 2017

290. Evil Bong 777 2018

291. Secret Sins 2018

293. Sex School 5 2018